Currently, I am offering free 15 minute consultations during this time to help people in need while I am not able to see patients in person. Contact Dr. Ryan via phone or email.
Contact Dr. Ryan Olson NDCreate Self-Care
Your attention is a commodity. Attention is rented, bought, sold and traded on a constantly unless you practice releasing and connecting to yourself. If you allow the media, television, and phones to hold your attention, you are also pushing your vulnerable nervous system out of your control. Balance to constant stimulation is important for digestion, healing and proper brain function. Self-care will take time and intention, and it will pay off long after the session is over. When I give homework to my patients practicing biofeedback, I say this session must last 15-20 minutes 1-2x/day at least 5 days/week.
Tips to Creating Self-Care
- Create a daily practice check-list. Take care in putting special things on this list that you know will bring you closer to your body. Bring awareness to your own over-achieving tendencies by keeping it short and sweet!
- Build the check-list into your normal daily activities. If you always brush your teeth, put your list where you can see it. You will feel success when completing all or parts!
- An organized, clean space will allow you to connect with yourself without distraction. Sage smudging or burning something like Palo Santo can be a great way to clear the space before you begin your practice.
- Remove or hide technology. I like to turn my phone off and we don’t allow phones, computers or t.v. in the bedrooms which allows separation of responsibilities and mindful space.
- If you are someone who has a very active brain, like me, try different noises to allow deeper focus. I like to use different noise generators online. You can play around creating ‘soundscapes’ with an app from Dr. Ir. S. Pigeon’s website MyNoise generator. This is great for getting to sleep, trouble focusing, or relaxation.
- Deep breathing is a great way to detox your blood and release stress. Breathing properly can be more complicated than you think. Start off on your back with your hands on your belly. Once you have the technique, you can practice while thinking about stressful things. People find themselves breathing with their neck or chest muscles when stressed, even if they don’t know they are stressed! The breath always illuminates the way back home to your body. Connect with it and watch those negative thoughts and body pain drift away.
- Remember, this is self-care, if you find yourself getting stressed thinking about completing the list or doing it perfectly, take a break. Step away to connect with your breath and proceed with love and attention to mindful connection.
- If it is safe for you to do, try inversions! Hand stands or modified head stands can push blood into your sinuses, head, brain and most importantly back to your heart. This reverses the Normal Force from gravity and allows blood, oxygen and lymph to get into areas that may not be fully supplied. I loved to do a minute or so once per hour when I was studying for board exams. I would feel a flush of good energy into my body after sitting for those long hours in medical school.
Hydrotherapy at Home
There are many great techniques for self-care passed down by generations of healers using natural resources. Try tapping into the healing power of water (Hydrotherapy) at home. The art of Hydrotherapy is best used to move the blood and lymph using Contrast Hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold). There are two main tenets here; heat expands, cold contracts and ALWAYS END ON COLD. With this knowledge, you can influence blood and lymph flow into/out of areas where there may be pain, inflammation, bruising or just need some extra care.
There are a lot of videos, blogs and books from ‘experts’ touting this amazing therapy, so use your resources if you must. Hydrotherapy goes a long way to promoting health, fortifying prevention, and mobilizing an immune response. Hydrotherapy is one of the best things you can do to promote health. I’ve been using contrast hydrotherapy every day for the last 7 years! Focus on shorter cold sessions (usually no longer than 1 minute) and longer hot sessions (no longer than 5 minutes). Alternate hot and cold to pump the blood and lymphatic system for every tissue in your body. I also like cold plunges juxtaposed with hot as well, have fun with it and remember to stay safe. Please consult a doctor before trying this for the first time if you have a cardiovascular condition and/or taking medication.
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*Please Note This is not to be used in place of treatment from your doctor, nor is it intended to be used as a way to direct your treatment without the help of a doctor/physician. This is a general guideline to be used, in conjunction with and not limited to, consultation with a doctor/physician and/or treatment plan created by your doctor/physician. These treatments are of the opinion of Dr. Ryan Olson, ND and may or may not be specifically for you. If using any health recommendations from anyone, consult your Naturopathic Doctor and/or Medical Doctor before using for your natural defenses.